Current Mood.

The World Is Grabbing Back At You

Thankfully, everyone has already Marie Kondo'd the mincers they were gifted for Jesus' most recent birthday, because they have no place here, on these words: Stella Donnelly's new song "Old Man" is a bloody marvel.

Similarly, Stella remains the master of no-bullshit lyrical economisation, someone I'd happily listen to straight-shoot over tape hiss. Much like instant classic "Boys Will Be Boys" (unfairly determined as close-but-nah by the rulers of some pointless music countdown) she unflinchingly strikes down on Fuckwit Blokes. Here, Boys' raw-emotion-driven, diary-entry recall and striking mix of sparsity vs. stiv-ready steeliness ("time to pay the fucking rent") is swapped out for something much much bigger, yet her lyrics remain succinct, powerful and direct.

Never better displayed than on the assembly of all parts — self-awareness, life lessons and graphic imagery — ahead of the song's sole hook:

I've worked too hard for this chance to not be biting the hand that feeds the hate
So have a chat to your friends 'cause it's our words that'll keep our daughters safe
The personality traits don't count if you put your dick in someone's face
And know it's never too late
We sat there silently while you kept your job and your place and your six-figure wage

"Old Man" features as the opening track on Donnelly's debut LP, Beware of the Dogs, due March 8th. A title serving as a (definitely unintentional) continuance of the "you better get a dog" theme from "Big Skies", the title track off Mere Women's brilliant 2017 album. The longest of bows.