Current Mood.

My Heart Wants To Live

A rule. Never pass up the chance to see your mates do their music things. Never let your mates move eight thousand kilometres away. Never not protest when your mates return for a rare visit and insist on doing their music things in a small country town. Never not insist on video evidence of the small country show.

Matt Banham live at Hotel Metro, Adelaide (December 28th, 2018)

And never not berate Matt for playing zero Weak Boys songs ("only Adelaide songs for Adelaide people"). Come back to Sydney soon ya idiot.

Featured Songs:
1. "Making Memories" / "Die For Something"
2. "Peak/Ridge"
3. "Girl"
4. "Girls are the Devil" / "Party to Survive"
5. "Sleepy Love Song" / "Sucked in Matt" (with band)

All videos shot by Aika.

More Matt here. The complete (?) No Through Road catalogue here.